About us

Transportation Routing Consultation is a core strength of Fiber Fundamentals. With over a century of combined school district, education, and transportation experience, Fiber Fundamentals is ready to help save money, improve public perception, assist with personnel issues, and streamline your operations. Fiber Fundamentals is prepared to address the most ambitious challenges facing districts and bus contractors today, like budget concerns and student safety.

Our Mission

Having helped save dozens of school districts millions of dollars, we are eager to serve you by providing timely, professional advice with positive Return-On-Investment. Parents and taxpayers will appreciate and recognize the results you achieve through our mutual effort.

On the average, we have managed to save one bus route for every day on the job. Since routing savings often roll-over, those savings are usually enjoyed for several or many years. We will collaborate with your transportation staff to create or re-create stops and routes that are safe, efficient, and timely. Working cooperatively, the sky’s the limit!